
Press release on the decision of the competition Jewish Center Fraenkelufer

108 years after the inauguration of the "Synagogue on Kottbusser Ufer", now Fraenkelufer, and 86 years after it was severely damaged during the Reichspogromnacht, a new Jewish community, educational and cultural center is to be built on the historic site. Today, the Jüdisches Zentrum Synagoge Fraenkelufer e.V. association, together with the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district and the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing, is presenting the results of the competition to realize the reconstruction.

1st prize: Staab Architekten with Atelier LOIDL Landschaftsarchitekten

In an all-day jury meeting, the nine specialist and expert judges selected the winning designs. The decision was unanimous: 1st prize in the realization competition goes to the interdisciplinary team of Staab Architekten with Atelier Loidl Landschaftsarchitekten.

Public exhibition on the "Fraenkelufer Jewish Center" competition

18 interdisciplinary planning teams of architects and landscape architects have submitted creative and innovative designs that give shape to this vision and from which the jury has made a selection for the award. All competition entries will be exhibited at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Kottbusser Straße 10, 10999 Berlin.

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