US Friends of Fraenkelufer

The US Friends of Fraenkelufer is an American association dedicated to promoting the historic Fraenkelufer Synagogue in Kreuzberg as a vibrant place of Jewish life. Through donations from the USA, they help to secure the ongoing operation of the synagogue, develop cultural and meeting programs and realize future plans for expansion and renovation. They are also committed to raising awareness of the history and contemporary Jewish life in Berlin.

The honorary board members live in the USA and Berlin. All members contribute different experiences and expertise - united by the common goal of raising awareness of the synagogue and making the diverse Jewish life in Berlin visible. They promote exchange and contribute to strengthening the bridge between the Jewish communities in Berlin and the USA.

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Contact us

Contact the US Friends of Fraenkelufer if you:

  • would like to visit the Fraenkelufer Synagogue and its community in Berlin,
  • would like to find out more about the religious and cultural offerings of the synagogue or other Jewish organizations in Berlin,
  • have questions or suggestions about their work or
  • want to support the initiative financially.


The US Friends of Fraenkelufer is recognized as a non-profit organization in the USA. Donations from citizens and legal residents of the United States are tax deductible. All contributions help ensure the future of the synagogue and its programs.